Join Us!

Who Can Join?

Spouses of active duty, retired, and reserve Coast Guard members, widows/widowers of Coast Guard members, women of the Coast Guard, spouses of Public Health services and other military services who are on active duty with the Coast Guard.

Membership is $20 per year payable by cash, check (written out to Mobile Area Spouses Club), or Paypal at this link.

Pay your dues and join our private Facebook group by contacting us via Facebook (Mobile Area Spouses Club) or e-mail at Facebook accounts are not required to join! All information is also sent via e-mail.

All membership dues go toward budgeting monthly club meetings and club/family events.

Membership is open year-round!

We Can't Wait to Meet You!

To request membership, fill out the form below. It's that easy! Be on the lookout for an e-mail or Facebook friend request from a board member. If you have trouble filling out the form or have questions, please reach out to us at